mft vs. sftp

The MFT vs. SFTP debate is gaining more traction by the day because of the importance of data transfer to businesses. At some point, business owners, despite not being experts in IT, will want to know which is better, MFT, or SFTP.

Interestingly, both solutions ensure the protection of data in transit. As such, they ensure the authentication of trading partner connections through a mix of keys, user IDs, and passwords. These solutions also ensure that businesses satisfy the strict data security requirements that govern business data transfer.

This post will discuss the MFT vs. SFTP debate by spotting key differences that business owners should know. Grab a seat and let’s get digging.

What is MFT?

MFT helps your business achieve secure data transfer

MFT stands for Managed File Transfer and it presents a comprehensive solution to help businesses handle different aspects of file transfer. Through MFT, businesses have a centralized solution to manage security, audits, administration, and workflows.

Asides from ensuring secure file transfers, MFT solutions offer a wide array of security features. These solutions can basically do all that SFTP tools do, and so much more. For example, if you need to make your file transfer process simpler, MFT is a perfect choice. Below are a few features of MFT solutions:

  • Role-based access control.
  • Multi-factor authentication.
  • Encrypts both external and internal transfers.
  • Ensures file-level encryption.
  • Supports multiple file types such as XML, EDI, emails, PDFs, and multimedia to mention a few.

What is SFTP?

SFTP protocol is also referred to as “FTP” over “SSH.” It helps businesses securely transmit files over Secure Shell (SSH). Because of SSH, SFTP maintains high-security levels. It also works with AES, Triple DES, and other algorithms in the same category to ensure file protection in transit.

SFTP presents users with an array of authentication options. While it is pretty affordable, it lacks several features including auditing, monitoring, and automation. All of these features make transferring files easier, safer, and less costly. Here are some features of SFTP:

  • IPv6 and IPv4 support.
  • Enhanced functionality for downloading and uploading files.
  • User and password-based authentication.
  • Supports public key authentication and encryption.
  • Compresses data and transmits it over secure channels.

Choosing MFT vs. SFTP for Business Owners

Both MFT and SFTP are great secure file transfer options. However, your MFT vs. SFTP choice depends on what your business needs.

Choose MFT if your business requires the following:

  • Streamline your file transfer processes.
  • User-to-user file sharing.
  • File transfer automation.
  • Cloud and web integrations for different popular applications.
  • Clusters to maintain maximum high availability.
  • Satisfaction of both compliance and in-house file transfer requirements.

Choose SFTP if your business requires the following:

  • An inexpensive but secure file transfer method for a few trading partners.
  • Transfer of unlimited files for each server connection.
  • User authentication.
  • Control over port usage.

Explore MFT Benefits

Now that we have put the MFT vs. SFTP debate to bed, choosing an MFT solution is a no-brainer despite both being healthy for businesses. Adept Engineering can help your business explore the exciting benefits of MFT. Reach us today to get started.

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